I still cannot comprehend everything that's happened in the past week. But I have to remind myself that it happens for a reason and remember how blessed and lucky I am.
Kristen had her bridal shower yesterday and what a strange feeling that was! I knew my sister would marry before I did; she's older, it was expected. But Kristen is my first friend to tie the knot. She's my age! If that doesn't prove that you're growing up, I don't know what will. Now friends will get married and soon, babies will be in the picture. Madness, considering I still feel like a freshman in college sometimes. When did I become a 23 year old?
I think my favorite part of the Kristen wedding story is
that fact that I've known her since high school. She and Rose and were cymbal line together freshman year and bonded and by the end of those 4 years, we had formed our group. The picture is of us, the last night we were both in Cypress before the start of our freshman year of college. The best part, is that now, four more years later, and we are closer than ever. I'm so thankful for my friends. I figure if we can make it through college going to different places, we can make it through anything. I'm definitely going to quote Charlotte York on this one:
"Don't laugh at me, but maybe we could be each other's soul mates"
That quote has always rang true with me. I have found my soul mates in my friends. Regardless of what happens in my love life, I know I'll always have those that matter more in my life.
Many know I try to be the ever present optimist. Always finding that silver lining and seeing the bright side but I must say, as of late it's been hard to do. Things are getting a little tricky for me and while I recognize it could be worse, it's still harder than what it was. I'm ready to have a job lined up and work (never thought I'd say that). And while I thought this long distance relationship would be hard, I'm just now realizing how hard it's going to be. Miscommunications and simply forgetting can turn into something else entirely solely because we haven't seen each other. It will definitely be the test for us. I'm ready to have my own place and spend my free time basking in solitude.
When will everything come together? I'm not sure. I thought it was going to at the end of 2010 but now, a month into the new year I'm seeing it could be harder than I thought. This is a tricky one...