Who doesn't love unsolicited advice? This girl, but I sure love giving it. So, I thought I'd share my list of top things not to do in college. We've all heard that you have to do this and try that, but it's only after the fact when we hear "Oh, you definitely shouldn't have done that."
one: Don't visit your family every weekend, every other weekend or even once a month. You're at college to experience new things, meet new people and become your own person. Going home to mom and dad multiple times will not make that happen, but it will make you that 18 going on 12 year old.
two: Don't go to that frat party alone. Ever. Regardless of who invited you or who you're meeting there. Would you get in a creepy van just because the guy asked you to and offered you candy as a prize?
three: If you plan to go out in a dress and heels, don't do more than one tequila shot. Frankly, a dress + heels = asking for trouble, but when you multiply all that by the devil that is alcohol, you know you're going to be stumbling and most likely falling down on the sidewalk while your dress betrays you and gives everyone something to see.
four: Don't think going to class is the same as studying, and don't think sitting in class playing Words with Friends is the same as learning. Find a favorite spot in the library or the local coffee shop and prepare to feel at home there over the next four+ years.
five: Don't eat dessert at every meal. College meal plans were made to fatten you up and going to the gym once a week is not going to override all those slices of oreo cake. The freshman 15 is not a rumor, people.
six: Don't assume that relationship you just entered is going to end with a ring and a wedding after graduation. Sure, it's your first relationship outside the confines of high school, but that doesn't automatically mean it's "the one". And even if it's not your first college relash (that's relationship abbreviated, cause I roll like that), just because you're together senior year does not mean you'll get married.
seven: Don't put all those pictures on Facebook. Yes, trying to get 1,000 pictures a year seems like a great idea at the time, but one day (as in, when you're trying to get a job) you'll look back and realize no one needs to see those pictures of you shotgunning a beer with a pair of boxers on your head.
eight: Don't be afraid to change your major. It's going to happen, possibly more than once, but believe me, it's better to do something you love then stick with something solely because you have 60 hours towards that degree.
nine: Don't wear Uggs with shorts. Don't wear Nike Tempos with leggings. If it's cold enough for Uggs, you shouldn't be in shorts. If it's cold enough for leggings, put on some pants and leave the Nikes for the gym.
ten: Don't spend all of college studying or obsessing about grades. Sure, a 4.0 sounds great when you tell your friends and family that you got it, but post college? It means nothing. So find a happy medium that allows you to truly experience all that college has to offer while still learning.
Any additions to the list?
Note: this list is for fun, don't be offended by any of the above statements.
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