Wednesday, March 9, 2011

"Is this real life?" --David (after his infamous trip to the dentist)

Well kids, I've done it. I have found the place of residence that I will be calling home for the next year and I am in love. It's a first floor apartment in what I can only imagine was once a huge home. Or a brothel. Thankfully, it's been incredibly well kept (or re-done) and is perfect for me. What's that you ask? Did you say you wanted pictures? How funny you should mention it...
This is the view from my door, facing the front door

And the back door

This is what you see upon entering, a very empty yet messy living room

I thought you might want to see the front door, with a closet to the right

Next we have a view of the bedroom from the living room

And another

The opposite side, with the nice, long closet

Now we make our way back to the living room, shown here from the kitchen

Here's the kitchen, shown from the dining area (I love the cupboards!)

The actual kitchen, pardon the mess

This is the dining area

From there you enter what I call the Get Ready room

A view from the closet shown above

That leads into the bathroom
See Becca? Not a tacky purple/pink tile, a perfect for me tile!


  1. It is adorable! I can't wait to see it! Maybe Sunday?!

  2. It's gorgeous! And all that room! You're gonna have so much fun. Please share details on your new job too.. I'm so excited!
